• Contact Us
  • 9422458016 / 712-2225781
  • Monday To Friday
  • Morning: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Evening: 5:00PM - 7:00PM


Electro Therapy

In the electronic department, we utilize equipment like Short Wave Diathermy (SWD), Transcuteneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), Ultrasound (US), Interferential Therapy (IFT), Electronic Therapaeutic Points Stimulation (ETPS) and Traction machine etc. for Pain Management. Muscle stimulators are used to activate paralyzed muscle fibers. In addition to this, we also utilize Hot and Cold therapy as supporting mechanism for enhanced results.


This is the most crucial component of rehailitiation program. It involves muscle strengthning in and around affected body parts. Range of Motion exercises are necessary when there is loss of movement due to Surgery or conditions such as Arthiritis. We use Thera bands and tubes for targetted muscle groups for better focus. Exercise ball is also provided for maintaining the interest level and for providing more challenging environment for workout.


In today's hectic and stressful lifestyle, no rehabilitation program can be termed as complete without YOGA. We provide personalized programs with a perfect balance between physical exercises and mind relaxation. For this, we use Pilates, Mind Body techniques and Pranayam. This coupled with breathing and relaxation exercises provides everyone energy to carry out their ADLs (activities of daily living). SMET (Stress Management of Excessive Tension) developed by S-VYASA, Bangalore, is used to combat stress and ensure the all round health of the body and mind together.


We ensure that people recovering from illness or injury, or with a disability, can function in all their environments with the ability they have. We apply Sensory Integration Techniques to help improve the lives of children with Neurological dysfunction. A "sensory diet" is a carefully designed, personalized activity plan that provides the sensory input a person needs to stay focused and organized throughout the day. Also, holistic practices such as NDT (Neuro Developmental Techniques) helping adults with movement restrictions are used.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is the foundation of any injury treatment as it is the backbone of your healing process. Therapists use lot of different methods to treat and reduce pain quickly, but that is only a temporary solution unless the root of the problem is addressed. Manual therapy is a sophisticated hands-on method of movements to diagnose and treat soft tissues and joints. We follow different techniques like Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Massage and Mulligan Program etc. for manipulation of joints, muscles, and tissues in order to diagnose biomechanical injuries, reduce pain, and promote proper healing.


Energy conservation refers to the way activities are done to minimize muscle fatigue, joint stress, and pain. We help you to use Work Simplification and Energy Conservation principles which allows you to remain independent and be less frustrated by your illness as the energy you have lasts throughout the day. Since we utilize work hardening techniques which involve real or simulated work environment and activities to restore physical, behavioral and also vocational functions, it is a smooth transition from illness to regular work life.